Antonio Martins Jr.-Big Daddy’s Gourmet Catering

Restaurant Row — By on May 23, 2010 at 8:59 pm

Antonio Martins Jr. is Owner, Operator and CEO of Big Daddy's Gourmet Catering.

A Full Service Catering Company. Mr. Martins is a superlative chef who has worked with The Jacksons and many of the major movie studios. Need a fantastic caterer for your event? Contact Mr. Martins at (215) 833-4809 and tell him you read about him in The Scoop LA!


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  • This is a different sort of opinion that many people don’t usually talk about. Generally when I come across these sort of things I like to post them on Digg. I don’t think this would be the best to submit though. I will be sure to submit something else though.

  • Sometimes I question the internet and what is posted? The internet never used to be like that, although it seems to be changing for the better. What are your thoughts?

  • Hey got nothing all that original this time, so all i can say that your site is cool, sad that I can’t come up with something original Thanks again for taking the time to put this up. I unquestionably liked every part of it.

  • If you really want you can look the other way and not talk about it. The best thing you can do is become relevant with yourself and faithful with your own morals. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life.

  • rave gloves says:

    I’m curious if you ever have problems with what people post? The internet never used to be like that, although it seems to be changing for the better. What are your thoughts?

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