VNo Retreat-A Transformative Experience in Paradise
Business and Lifestyle, Style, Travel — By Buddy Sampson on December 1, 2022 at 11:17 pm
Cover photo- VNo Retreat Curator and CEO Suyen Mosely. Inside photo: Surfing at VNo Retreat will help give you the tranquility you desire.
By Buddy Sampson
According to Webster’s, paradise is “a place or state of bliss, felicity or delight,” or “a place of contentment, a land of luxury and fulfillment.” Others define paradise as “a place or condition of great happiness where everything is exactly as you would like it to be.”
Are you a lady seeking paradise? A break, a respite from the daily struggles of balancing work, life and career and a transformative experience, a pivot to what you believe is important? Are you looking to enhance and enrich your life in a serene and beautiful location considered to be a modern paradise?
Then VNo Retreat, in Costa Rica is where you need to recharge, a location that many celebrants have described as paradise.
VNo Retreat, formerly known as VNoire Retreats, in its first successful year, was a respite for women of color. “I began VNoire Retreats venture as a salute to Black women and we dedicated our first year to hosting Black women exclusively,” said Suyen Mosely. “We felt that was much needed after the pandemic with all the traumatic things that all of went through during that lockdown time. We needed a place to have dialogue and heal ourselves. The response was phenomenal.”
It is hard to imagine such an amazing experience getting even better, but VNo surveyed their clients in an effort to optimize and crystallize customer satisfaction, making the resort an experience that even more can enjoy. “We asked, ‘what do you want in a retreat,’” pondered Suyen, “and what is it they would want coming to us, and what would they walk away with?” As a result of their fine attention to customer care, VNo Retreat listened to its clients. “What level of transformation would they want to have to achieve a balance of relaxation, down time and self-care?” asked Suyen. “What balance of that would create a worthwhile experience for them?” And they listened.
VNo Retreat restructured the entire experience of paradise, just for you. Originally a resort designed for Black women, the resort is now a resort that will cater to all women. However, each year, there will be a week at the resort devoted to Black women, and the challenges they face as women of color. Next year, from March 6th to March 12th, VNo will dedicate that week to the needs of Black women.
However, the resort has expanded. “We’re opening up the retreat to all women,” said Suyen, “and we’re going to have some co-ed ones too in the future.” VNo will have its first retreat for all women 2023 from February 17th-23rd, and its second retreat for all women on April 21st– April 27th.
Suyen, who has a master’s degree in Psychology, is dedicated to help VNo’s clients to have a truly magical and transformative experience. “I’m completely dedicated and have a total calling inside of me to what I call heart time, and my work in that guides me to encourage and support others to heal their deep wounds so they have better access to their hearts,” said Suyen. “Without compassion, forgiveness and love, really there isn’t anything.”
Transformation and healing are a result of your time spent at VNo Retreat and you will leave the resort with a renewed sense of energy and vigor. ”It’s time for us to evolve and upgrade,” she explained. “You have to clear out what’s blocking us, scaring us and stopping us and that’s all-heart time.”
Not only will you undergo a transformation of heart and spirit, but you will enjoy a myriad of activities at VNo Retreat, including surf lessons, horseback riding and delicious cuisine, provided by Ryan Salter, of Detroit who owns Breadless, an organic food outlet. “We can promise that you’ll improve your health, you’ll improve it by eating organic, local food- fresh fish right out of the ocean, fresh fruits, and you’ll improve your physical condition by surfing, hiking and connecting with compassionate people and slowing down, taking time for yourself and quieting the noise,” said Suyen.
The retreat takes place in Costa Rica, a “blue zone,” one of five areas of the world where people live longer and healthier. Suyen’s partners include Rhonda Harper, Black Surfing’s First Mogul, who gives surfing lessons, Melissa Laine, who designs the workshops and manages PR, and Michelle Harper, who is the Retreat Stylist and Concierge. They will all make your experience an experience that is life changing.
“It happens by the grace of God, it creates a wonderful connection with like-minded people,” said Suyen Mosely. “A lot of bonding happens at our retreat.”
There are several definitions of paradise, including one that states that paradise is “an ideal or idyllic place or state.” If you are seeking an ideal, transformative, life-changing experience in paradise, VNo Retreat should be your next travel booking.
For more information about VNo Retreat and for booking your next transformative experience, visit You may also visit Be sure you mention you read about it in The Scoop LA.