The Yoo Hoo Room at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank
Entertainment — By Buddy Sampson on April 21, 2011 at 5:58 am

(L-R) foreground- Johnny Roque, Adam Fuerberg(glasses), Andy Dugan, Camille Solari, and David Reinitz(club owner). Rear-Dust Rhodes (white shirt), Du Kirpalani and Michael Rayner(also in glasses.) Cover photo and inside photo by Graham Thomas.
The Yoo Hoo Room at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank
By Buddy Sampson
The Yoo Hoo Room has quickly become one of the hippest stand up comedy venues in the Los Angeles area. Its quaint atmosphere, and free parking, has become a hot spot to check out some of the funniest cutting edge comics in town. You can see The Yoo Hoo Room Regulars, which include the lovable Adam Fuerberg, the hilarious Andy Dugan, the sexy and clever Camille Solari, the wacky David Nieker, the genius Du Kirpalani, the dry and quick witted Dusty Rhoads, the ruthless Johnny Roque and radical Michael Rayner Wednesday through Sunday Nights, or go to the website to check out the schedule. The Club is owned by Dave Reinitz and Barbara Holiday. If you’re tired of dealing with Hollywood traffic, expensive parking and expensive drinks, then come down to the club, located at 201 East Magnolia in Burbank and enjoy a night in The Yoo Hoo Room at Flappers for big laughs, great food and a good vibe.
On Thursday, April 14, 2011, Flappers had an amazing night of comedy in the Yoo Hoo Room. Every single comic that took the stage on this cool night in Burbank bought their “A” game with them. If you were in the audience, you were treated to a hilarious night of comedy. Hosted by Adam Fuerberg, who had an excellent night, treating his comedy as a great point guard would on a basketball court, delivering the ball to each comedian or comedienne, the show was a ton of laughs from beginning to end. This night had a wonderful mixture of regulars and guest comics. Johnny Roque used the recession to make very funny jokes about not having a job and his trevails about when he did have a job. In the early going of the show, he began the hilarity.
Later, the sole lady of the show, comedy goddess Camille Solari took the stage. Once the gorgeous lady opened her mouth, though, her down to earth and Bostonian humor took center court. A true original, Solari did a variety of different kinds of jokes, including a hilarious rendition of a Salt n Pepa routine. She demonstrates comedic versatility, going from physical comedy to standard stand up. She is a star in the making. Andy Dugan was positively side-splitting, especially with his vibrating condom jokes. Elvis Winterbottom, a guest comedian, had one of the funniest jokes of the night, when he went in a routine of a pilot on a commercial airline. His soccer joke, with him imitating a soccer player, ended his set, and it was hilarious. Mitch, another guest comedian and we apologize that we don’t have his name at press time, was probably the most vulgar of all the comics, but his jokes about the difference between the bravery of women versus men’s private parts was genius. Another guest comic, we believe his name was Tyler, was also in a zone. His jokes about women that make funny sounds in bed to a hip hop drum beat on the mike, was original and funny. Closing the show was Deon Williams. Deon closed the show on a hilarious note. His joke about Trader Joe’s will have us looking differently every time we visit the popular grocery outlet.
If you’d like to have a wonderful time, visit the Yoo Hoo Room for amazing nights of comedy. Visit And tell them you read about it in The Scoop LA.
Cover and inside top photo by Graham Thomas. Visit his site at