Rose Chie
Ms. Scoop — By Buddy Sampson on May 25, 2010 at 1:13 pm

There are many that say that women of color, particularly Black women, are the most beautiful women in the world.
Rose Gacheri Mwithimbu, from Africa, proves that point. The 5’9″ (175cm) aspiring model, also known as Rose Chie, grew up in a small town in the Eastern section of Kenya, called Meru. Rose has done double duty, working as a model and in sales and marketing in the hospitality industry. She speaks three languages, English, Kiswahili and Kimeru. She hopes to reside in America and fulfill her dream of being a fashion model. With her incredible beauty, the dream is very much within her grasp. Her Facebook ID? Rose Chie on Facebook.
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Ultrasound training can be identified in health-related educational institutions and instructing hospitals, as well as community colleges and universities. Foreseeable future ultrasound technicians find out the best way to operate professionally in a very diagnostic imaging department. Moreover to studying to run the machines, college students will even learn tips on how to keep patient information, prepare function schedules, and consider tools purchases.
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