About Restaurant Row
Restaurant Row — By Buddy Sampson on May 24, 2010 at 7:17 pmWelcome to The Scoop LA’s Restaurant Row Section. In this section, we are featuring restaurant reviews, restaurant ads and we will, in the future have helpful tips on recipes and food-related articles. We are currently offering business card ads for $50. If you want to get the most bang for your buck, our display ads are incredibly reasonable. We don’t have any ads more than $750, a true recession buster. Call us for more details, (323) 919-2848.
The Yard (pictured above) has, arguably, the best beer in Los Angeles with a great setting as well.See our review of The Yard in Restaurant Row.

Gobi Mongolian BBQ on Sunset near Parkman offers a great atmosphere with a very reasonable pricing menu. See our review on Gobi's in Restaurant Row.
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