Please, please vote. And Vote Democratic-Commentary

Commentary — By on November 1, 2018 at 4:49 pm

 Buddy Sampson

Please, please vote.

We implore you to vote. And vote Democratic.

I haven’t written a commentary in quite some time. I’m attending school right now, learning the TV and Film industry, hoping to take The Scoop LA to a new level.

Yes, you’ve heard this mantra a lot lately, but there’s so much at stake now that every single vote counts. But please, please vote. Many of the civil liberties we enjoy in our country is at stake. With the assignment of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Roe vs. Wade, pre-existing conditions on health care and for those of you that have Obamacare, you should worry because Republicans are trying to reverse all the gains that Obama achieved while in office and completely reversing Obamacare is on their agenda.

We have had a complete embarrassment in office for the last two years- we’ve had a president that has completely divided a country that has had fragile racial, political and gender issues boiling under the surface of this great country. We have heard the cry, “Make America Great Again,” yet we’ve stepped back under The Trump Administration- an administration that has fostered hate, division and made it almost impossible for Democrats and Republicans to work together to fix the ills of our great nation. We have watched in horror as the Trump administration virtually signs off on racial hate and division and is trying to reverse many of our civil rights, including reversing the Civil Rights Act. During his administration, he has gutted Affirmative Action, which minorities still need as companies hire us less and less.  We have watched as America, who is the leader of the world, a compassionate nation is now becoming a bullying nation. That’s not who we are, and we can do better.

The Trump Administration has claimed that under his administration, there are more jobs than ever. Well the truth is, he inherited a burgeoning economy that was left by the Obama Administration. Remember, he took a nation under crisis and turned it around in his eight years in office, stabilizing an economy that was virtually destroyed under the Bush administration and bought our economy roaring back. And now, he’s taking the credit for that. He calls us, the people that keep our government honest, journalists, the “enemy of the people,” because we call him out on the wrongs he does and his lies to the American public.

Show Congress and our nation that we can do better. Your vote makes a difference. People of color, liberals, Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Jews, Muslims, Indian Americans, Democrats and Republicans and all other races, genders and ethnicities- if you are dissatisfied with our image now in the world, it’s time for you to vote. Vote now and vote Democratic. Are you tired and ashamed of a president who has told 5,000 lies during his administration? We need to regain our respectability in the world and regain our status as a kind, moral nation.

So, vote Democratic and let’s regain our respectability in our world. And don’t believe the pundits- the Democrats do have a platform. For more information,, visit this link:

Party Platform

Please tell everyone you know to get out and vote. And vote Democratic.

God Bless you all.

Buddy Sampson

Publisher, The Scoop LA

Buddy aga


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