People You Should Know- Henry Waller- Soothing Acid Reflux the Natural Way

People You Should Know — By on August 9, 2019 at 9:06 pm


The healing properties of tea have been proven for centuries. Henry Waller's Acid Reflux Tea can soothe symptoms related to Acid Reflux. Visit his website at

The healing properties of tea have been proven for centuries. Henry Waller’s Acid Reflux Tea can soothe symptoms related to Acid Reflux. Visit his website at

By Buddy Sampson

The healing properties of teas and herbs date back centuries to ancient China in the Yunnan Province during the Shang Dynasty (1500 BC- 1046 BC) as a medicinal drink, according to “The Story of Tea: A Cultural History and Drinking Guide,” by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. Heiss. Teas can aid in the prevention of cancers and heart attacks, according to many researchers.

Henry Waller, a Master Herbalist Physician (MHP) and Naturopathic doctor (NA), who owns a company called The Wise Old Herb, has explored and discovered the healing properties of teas, specifically in how it aids in the treatment of acid reflux. Acid reflux, according to is a “common condition that features a burning pain, known as heartburn, in the lower chest area. It happens when stomach acid flows back into the food pipe.”  As a certified Naturopathic doctor, Henry has used his extensive knowledge of teas and herbs to great benefit, having discovered a blend of herbs and teas that gives relief to several symptoms, including acid reflux.

 Acid Reflux Tea, a product by Henry Waller, can relieve symptoms associated with Acid Reflux. Henry Waller is hard at work, developing his teas, herbs and remedies. Visit

Acid Reflux Tea, a product by Henry Waller, can relieve symptoms associated with Acid Reflux. Henry Waller is hard at work, developing his teas, herbs and remedies. Visit

Originally from Alexandria, Louisiana, a small town of 40,000, he had all the trappings of small-town life. “It was a great experience growing up there,” said Henry Waller. “As an adult, of course I understand the history of the South. We grew up in a rural area, my dad was a sharecropper- we lived on a cotton plantation until I was eight years old.”

Later, his family moved to the outskirts of the city, a home where he lived until he was eighteen.  He lived through and experienced some of the racial difficulties at the time, in the 50s, having endured the experience of busing. “We had one all black school and one all white school,” he said. At that time, he was attending Peabody High school, the black school and integration began. About 300 students in the school, including Henry, were transferred to Bolton High, the all-white school. It actually worked out for him, since Bolton was closer in proximity to his home. He had to be bussed to Peabody. And he received a very good education at Bolton. “It was more disciplined at Bolton,” he said, and the transition was smoother than anyone, including him, could imagine. “There were two fights the whole year between a black guy and a white guy. The amazing thing was that it went off without a hitch. A lot of people didn’t like it, but it really was a smooth transition.”

While in high school, he left Louisiana and migrated to Los Angeles. He was 18, but really wanted to finish and was encouraged to go to night school. “I put my age down over at Crenshaw (High) in September and in March, they found out I was 18, but they said because I was doing well, they would let me graduate,” he laughed. Henry got into the insurance business, by accident. His brother had taken a correspondence course on insurance but didn’t study the materials. Henry took full advantage. “I had all this material had purchased, it was just laying around and I learned it,” he said.

He attended Cal State Fullerton, getting a degree in Social Science. While there, he took a job for a brief period, learning many of the nuances of claims adjusting and insurance. He also studied naturopathic medicine, with a healer named Dr. Willoughby. “She was a courageous healer,” he reflected. “She helped me a lot. She was one of the premier naturopathic doctors in Southern California.” He studied with her for two years, learning naturopathic medicine and herbal science. Also, he learned about the healing properties of tea. He received a degree/certificate earning recognition as a Master Herbalist Physician (MHP) and as a Naturopathic doctor (NA).

The healing properties of tea have been proven for centuries. Henry Waller's Acid Reflux Tea can soothe symptoms related to Acid Reflux. Visit his website at

The healing properties of tea have been proven for centuries. Henry Waller’s Acid Reflux Tea can soothe symptoms related to Acid Reflux. Visit his website at

In 2013, Henry began having digestive problems. “I was having some serious digestive tract issues- I was having pain and a very irritating sensation in my esophagus and it got worse and worse.” At the time Waller was an insurance adjuster, handling trucking companies and insurance claims for heavy equipment and started developing problems. “I had discomfort in my abdomen and I wasn’t able to sleep on my stomach, there was a number of things that made me note that there was a serious problem developing.“ After going to Kaiser, he received some alarming news- they wanted him to report to the hospital. However, before he would report, he wanted to try natural methods to heal him first. “I focused in on what herbs to put together- I knew that acid reflux isn’t an esophageal issue, it’s a digestive issue.” He changed his diet, studied herbal journals, made and drank his combination of herbal teas twice a day and began to see significant results after 2 weeks. After three weeks, his symptoms were gone. He never had to return to the hospital. Henry knew that the human body absorbs minerals in different ways and knew that teas, through liquid absorption in the body are a great way to soothe and heal several ailments, including acid reflux. He discovered his formula for his tea, Acid Reflux Tea. His tea softens and soothes the stomach and esophagus linings.

Enjoy Henry Waller's Acid Reflux Tea. It'll help relieve symptoms associated with Acid Reflux. Visit

Enjoy Henry Waller’s Acid Reflux Tea. It’ll help relieve symptoms associated with Acid Reflux. Visit

Problems with Acid reflux? Try Henry Waller’s Tea. “It works,” said Henry Waller. “It will relieve your acid reflux symptoms.” The healing properties of teas and herbs have been proven for centuries and Henry Waller’s tea uses those ancient methods. More information? Visit Henry Waller’s tea and his desire to soothe and relieve acid reflux is why he’s one of the People You Should Know.

Henry Waller's Acid Reflux Tea will relieve symptoms associated with acid reflux. For more information, visit

Henry Waller’s Acid Reflux Tea will relieve symptoms associated with acid reflux. For more information, visit





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