“Living Your Extraordinary Life” and Bragging Rights
Book Reviews, Columnists, Kim Somers Egelsee, News, Uniquely You...Life & Style-By Claudia Cooley — By Buddy Sampson on March 28, 2013 at 5:49 am
Cover Photo: Kim Somers Egelsee hosts the extravaganza. Inside Photo: Kim Somers Egelsee (L), Claudia Cooley (C) and Susie Augustin. Both photos by YMM Media (Yolanda M. Mason).
By Buddy Sampson
I don’t get to brag very much, and for those of you that know me personally, if I’m bragging about something, I’m usually kidding or trying to make people laugh. But this time, I have to brag about a few fantastic writers, two of them that you may be familiar with, Kim Somers Egelsee and Claudia Cooley of The Scoop LA.
Kim Somers Egelsee, a columnist for The Scoop LA, whose column, “Inspirational Coaching and Advice” has been a mainstay of the publication for nearly two years, spearheaded an extravaganza that featured speakers that elevate consciousness, spirituality and personal life growth. The event, “Living Your Extraordinary Life,” for Willow Tree Women’s Circle, spotlighted several terrific writers and their book releases. It was, at times, life changing, as the speakers told their personal stories of triumph and perseverance. “I’m extra excited today, “said Egelsee, whose book, “Getting Your Life to a Ten +” is doing well, “because I’m almost at Number 1 on the best seller list, and I’m right under Dr.Phil at Number 2 right now!” But Kim has a lot more to be proud of. Her book has the opportunity to change lives. “With this book, I really wanted something simple to help people be happier in their lives and find their passion and purpose and be more confident. So it’s one of those books you can just give anyone, to uplift their life. My dream is just to see people in the world happier.” Visit Kim’s website at www.kimlifecoach.com and, of course, read her column in The Scoop LA, www.thescoopla.com.
Claudia Cooley, who has also contributed to The Scoop LA with her column “Uniquely You-Life and Style,” also debuted her book at the event “From Dud to Stud-Revving Up for Success.” “My book is about inspiration and education,” said Cooley, who is also an educator. “It’s about inspiring you to reach for the very best that’s in you, to get excited about that and celebrate it and go for your dream.” Cooley credits her supportive husband as part of her inspiration. “It’s been a wonderful 52 years,” said Dale Cooley, of his marriage to Claudia. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s the only one that I’d want to spend that much time with.” Visit her website at www.claudiacooley.com. And be sure to visit The Scoop LA for her periodic articles for The Scoop at www.thescoopla.com.
Susie Augustin, whose book, “Sexy, Fit & Fab at Any Age,” has garnered strong attention on Amazon.com. She promoted her book and spoke about experiences that changed her life. In her book, she mentioned a common theme repeated throughout the evening by several writers and speakers-gratitude. Visit her website at www.sexyfitfab.com.
Speaking of gratitude, of note were several speeches, including one delivered by Dr. Lisa Christiansen, who told a gripping story of how she was raised in less than perfect circumstances. “Gratitude is the mother of all emotions,” said Christiansen, who gave a compelling account of her childhood and her path to success. My favorite speaker of the evening was a gentle soul named Chris Widener. Widener, who is an International Motivational speaker and Best-Selling author of a popular book, “The Art of Influence,” illustrated two characteristics of successful individuals. “Successful people understand and appreciate the power of choice,” said Widener, who indicated that choices determine degrees of success. “Also, successful people understand the power of perseverance.” His powerful oratory left the audience with a superb life lesson on success.
Also debuting their books, among others, was Lori Jones, who penned a book, “Growing Up Beautiful.” Her book is a compelling story of what happened behind the scenes in the model heyday of the 80’s and 90’s, when models weren’t gracing the runway. “It’s based on what I saw and experienced in the 1980’s,” said Jones. “It’s real life and an adventure.” Visit her website at www.GrowingUpBeautiful.com.

Amy Cheryl. The lovely lady mentors Women with her program, "Smart, Sexy & Spiritual." Call her at (310) 867-3766.
Also, Amy Cheryl, a Spiritual mentor, promoted her seminars “Smart, Sexy & Spiritual.” The stunning lady’s website is http://tinyurl.com/smartsexy. I wish we had more time and space to mention all the books and features that were being spotlighted at the wonderful and enlightening event.
As an older veteran journalist, I’ve mentored many journalists, edited many journalists’ stories, and have been at the helm for a couple of publications. I’m proud to have worked with such amazing writers. But I’m super proud to have a columnist, Kim Somers Egelsee that had a #1 seller on Amazon.com. Her positive and inspirational messages make that an honor that is well-deserved. She has a spirit that is unmatched. And Claudia Cooley is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. I feel, at times that I’m Blessed to have two life coaches that write for my publication. Last year, Kim and Claudia were instrumental in helping this writer get through a very bad experience and I’m grateful to each of them, not only as terrific writers, but devoted friends as well. We hope that you continue to read The Scoop LA and be part of our journey to excellence paved by the amazing contributions of writers like Kim Somers Egelsee and Claudia Cooley. And yes, I’m bragging.
Want to read Kim Somers Egelsee’s, Claudia Cooley and Susie Augustin’s books? Visit www.amazon.com or visit www.kimlifecoach.com. Or visit the links above.