Jennifer Day’s Indoor Beach Party
News2 — By Greg Thompson on July 1, 2010 at 10:21 amJennifer Day
Preity Uupala
Yoko in Traditional Japan
Jennifer Day
The Red Carpet was rolled out Tuesday, June 22nd, for the local glitterati. Jennifer Day was putting on a Las Vegas style show featuring herself and 3 other dynamite female vocalists. Their tag line was “Wait till you see what we wear…and what we don’t wear.”
We’ll get to what they did and didn’t wear in a minute. What was important was what we heard, which was an entertaining set of Jennifer Day’s strong vocals. The sound system was excellent. The stage was Las Vegas Beautiful…I don’t know how they blew up the seemingly thousands of Balloons that made up her backdrop. Back to the red Carpet. It was nice to see so many of the usual suspects show up to crowd. Most drove out to ‘The Valley’ from Hollywood environs to support and enjoy the show. A fairly close knit group, most of the guests are on each others or their immediate friends’ Facebook Pages. Behind the Red Carpet was a perfectly lit backdrop and half dozen photographers lit it up even more!
I first was attracted to the visually stunning actress/model Preity Uupala. Hailing from Sydney Australia, the Acting Scholarship recipient and Beauty queen is making her Hollywood debut. She is the reigning Miss Earth Australia 2009 and will be competing for the prestigious Miss America India 2010 Pageant. Ms Uupala is also involved inseveral film projects her in LA.
I coudn’t help but notice Yoko Rei Hayama on the Red Carpet in full traditional kimono. We were amused to hear her talking about trying to drive to the event in her stiff kimono and obi (sash) etc. Next we saw Antoine form Stander Energy Drink. I told him I hope that meant they have the drink at the bar. Some of us were feeling quite worn out. Sure enough the drink was prominintly featured inside and even though most of us mixed it with white wine we all felt a good lift.
But inside the showroom, is when the night truly began. The lights dimmed and Jennifer Day appeared on stage in a flashy robe. The music was punched, as she belted out vocals and danced on the stage. After few numbers the dress disappeared and the Beach Party began. Her tiny bikini looked great on her. A liitle revealing in a Las Vegas GP kind of way without being tastelessly XX!
A great night was had by all. If given the chance to see her show again, I’m sure most of the group would jump on it.
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You can also make hot tea, hot chocolate and other hot drinks with k60 and k66 single serve coffee makers from Keurig. It also has a cool blue LED and blue lit water tank. The auto-on and off features help you save time and money. The 90 K-Cups the B66 gives you should last a long time and help you decide which blend of coffee(s) you prefer most. The both Keurig b60 and Keurig b66 have a removable water reservoir which is dishwasher safe.
I also like the brewer because it makes other hot drinks such as hot tea, hot chocolate, hot cocoa. The Keurig b60 and b66 have very nice looking blue LED and blue backlit water tank. And comes with an auto on off switch which can actually save you some money. When you buy a Keurig b66 coffee maker you also get 90 k-cups. Thats is enaugh to find out what kind of flavors you like and what kind of flavors you will buy in the future. The both Keurig b60 and Keurig b66 have a removable water reservoir which is dishwasher safe.
You can also make hot tea, hot chocolate and other hot drinks with k60 and k66 single serve coffee makers from Keurig. The Keurig b60 and b66 have very nice looking blue LED and blue backlit water tank. The auto-on and off features help you save time and money. You also get 90 k-cups with your new Keurug b60 coffee maker. Its a great commercial move from Keurig owners as they give you enough of them to let you know your drinking habits. And buy new ones after your run out of them. The both Keurig b60 and Keurig b66 have a removable water reservoir which is dishwasher safe.
I also like the brewer because it makes other hot drinks such as hot tea, hot chocolate, hot cocoa. The Keurig b60 and b66 have very nice looking blue LED and blue backlit water tank. And comes with an auto on off switch which can actually save you some money. The 90 K-Cups the B66 gives you should last a long time and help you decide which blend of coffee(s) you prefer most. Removable water reservoir can be cleaned with other dishes in your dishwasher. But i preffer to clean it with my hands.
I also like the brewer because it makes other hot drinks such as hot tea, hot chocolate, hot cocoa. The Keurig b60 and b66 have very nice looking blue LED and blue backlit water tank. And comes with an auto on off switch which can actually save you some money. The 90 K-Cups the B66 gives you should last a long time and help you decide which blend of coffee(s) you prefer most. The both Keurig b60 and Keurig b66 have a removable water reservoir which is dishwasher safe.
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