Inspirational Coaching And Advice

Columnists, Kim Somers Egelsee — By on April 24, 2012 at 7:09 am

By Kim Somers Egelsee

QUESTION; How can I stop feeling so insecure and insignificant and feel more confidence and power?

It is very common to have the feeling that you are not enough, you do not have enough important information or knowledge to share, or that you cannot do something as well as someone else. This often stems from something that happened in childhood, the way we were raised, what we have been told and other experiences that have “stuck” with us.

The key is to get those beliefs and feelings that just are not true, “unstuck.” Here are some powerful ways to gain confidence, self love and self esteem.

1. Honor, approve, like, support, recognize, endorse.

How much do you accept and appreciate you for who you are?

Accept you NOW and it will be easier to adjust, change, grow.

2. Practice awareness. Get into the habit of continuously asking yourself, “who am I with, what am I doing, am I making positive choices that are of my true heart’s desire?”

3. Discovering, learning, reading, attending events and seminars.

Are you always looking to grow?

4. Do your friends and family support, uplift and encourage you? Check if you have relationships that fuel you.

How do you rate your associations?

5. Be Authentic..genuine.

Do you feel that you are always authentic? (remember authenticity radiates out)

6. Celebrate your successes, your steps to greatness.

How often do you applaud your successes?

7. OWN..the courage, strength and nerve to truly be “YOU”

Do you feel that you are 100% yourself with everyone, everywhere?

8. Abilities-know what it takes/effectiveness, power, skill

Are you aware of your abilities, possibilities?

9.Accomplish/Action- DO!, fulfill, progress, advance, activity

Do you take action every day?

These tips, tools and questions help you to acknowledge and realize that your self love and confidence has always been there in it’s fullness This self love and acceptance becomes more powerful daily. You love yourself and others and this radiates from your being naturally from now on. Positive people and opportunities now flow to you easily and effortlessly constantly. You know and have certainty about your talents and abilities. You are able to help others more freely with this new power and confidence.

You look forward to every day because you now have your full positive power flowing forth from you, radiating, attracting positivity. You look, feel and are greatness! You look, feel and ARE greatness! Confidence! Power! Love!

You CAN do this!

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