Inspirational Coaching and Advice

Kim Somers Egelsee — By on January 12, 2013 at 6:20 am

Cover photo and Inside photo- Kim Somers Egelsee. Her column addresses how to handle depression.

By Kim Somers Egelsee

Question: When I am having a depressed or down in the dumps day or period of time, what are some ways to climb out of it positively?

Advice: If you are human you’re going to have a low energy or sad day once in awhile. This reminds you that you can feel different emotions, that you have learning and growth to do, and that you are indeed human.

Here are some terrific tips so that you do not stay in a funk forever.

1. Give! Do volunteer work, go help out a friend, smile at a child, call a family member. Giving helps you forget your troubles and feel great.

2. Go do something fun and exciting that you loved to do as a child. Build a sand castle, hula hoop, eat a peanut butter sandwich, take a day trip to Disneyland. Embrace your inner child and remember who you truly are.

3. Read an inspirational book, talk to an encouraging person, watch a motivating DVD.

4. Write in a journal what you are grateful for, what you have celebrated in your life and what you love about yourself.

5. Self care; go get a massage , your hair cut, a new shirt. Feel good about you so you can be of service to others and live by example.

6. Music is healing. Play an instrument, listen to your favorite tunes, go to a concert.

7. Take a step toward your passions and dreams. Start with a small step and then celebrate that you did it.

8. Pet a dog, hold a baby or hug a loved one. This releases endorphins.

9. Exercise

10. Go out in nature and breathe.

Now, go out and see how quickly this shifts and elevates your mood and state. Try these often to uplift your life and experience a lot more joy seeping in.

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