Hillary Must Win
Commentary, News2 — By Buddy Sampson on November 5, 2016 at 5:02 pm
Cover photo- Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, share a poignant hug in the Democratic Convention. Inside photo- Hillary Clinton. She must win or Obamacare is gone! Cover photo by Getty Images.
By Buddy Sampson
As the Publisher of The Scoop LA, formerly The Scoop Newspaper, I, and us as an organization, have avoided the political arena. However, the 2016 election is way too important for us to sit on the sidelines and watch.
I firmly want to say that The Scoop LA enthusiastically supports Hillary Clinton for President. I wrestled with this decision for weeks. And I know that I will be subject to scrutiny and I may lose an advertiser or two. But the thought of Donald Trump as our president is a terrifying thought.
Yes, Hillary Clinton brings a little baggage with her. And the e-mail controversy just won’t go away, and it’s tragic because she has shown herself to be an advocate for civil rights, helping children and instituting programs in the inner cities.
I have readers from all ethnic backgrounds that read The Scoop LA. But I encourage all of my readers to get out and vote, particularly my African-American readers. I have talked to several people and many of them, particularly Black folk want to stay home. I have to remind readers that if you stay home, it is a vote for Trump. Many people in our communities depend on Obamacare, like myself to survive. I had a health scare last year, and if it wasn’t for Obamacare, I would have died. So whether you disagree with Hillary or not, just think for a moment- if Trump wins, our healthcare will be gone.
President Obama, at every turn, had to face severe opposition from Republicans and didn’t achieve the sweeping reforms he had hoped for, particularly in helping the African-American community. I believe that Hillary Clinton can pick up where Obama left off. Obama’s presidency has shown America and the world that we, as African-Americans are as capable as anyone else to run this country. He’s allowed us to dream again, we are a strong people and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Let Hillary take the baton and run us to victory.
With rising police brutality, inequality in housing and employment, and what can be seen as a rise in bias against African American men, we need someone in office that will be our advocate against the injustices that people of color experience. So help as much as you can. Encourage your friends and family members to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton. Let’s save our healthcare. Hillary Clinton must win!
Vote Hillary Clinton for President!