Heather Pich-Defining the Nuances of Success
Business and Lifestyle — By Buddy Sampson on October 20, 2014 at 10:22 pm

Cover and Inside Photo: Heather Pich. Visit her website, www.instantlybooked.com to purchase her ground breaking book, "Bookings When You Have No Bookings."
By Buddy Sampson
Success is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence,” or “a person or thing that succeeds.” Heather Pich represents all those ideals. The rising entrepreneur has a fascinating story to tell. The mother of three, with a degree in interior design, started her direct sales business 11 years ago, found direct sales to be a very lucrative venture and developed her business to earn her company’s prestigious honor, The Legacy Award after generating $500,000 in sales and sponsoring over 100 sales representatives.
Heather Pich started as a stay home mom with a young child and a husband with a lucrative career. Her interior decorating business was doing fine. However, she felt something was missing. Her friends hosted sales product parties and Heather decided to attend one evening. “I showed up at the end of the night, went in and saw this line of jewelry. I thought it was going to be a line of fashion jewelry that I didn’t need.” and it was this really great line of sterling silver jewelry which was very affordable,” said Heather Pich. Her friend encouraged Heather to throw a party and she reluctantly agreed. To her surprise, she sold a substantial amount of inventory. “I sold $1,500 in jewelry,” she said. “I went up to the girl that was the rep and I said, ‘hey’ if you don’t mind me asking how much money did you make? She said, ‘oh you’re getting $500 in free product and I get that in cash.’ I was like, ‘for a couple hours work?’” Galvanized, she expanded her business, inviting whoever she could. “I invited friends, church friends, sports moms, even if they were only acquaintances.” I just invited people, and if you tell girls there’s shopping and there’s wine, they don’t even care if they know you, they’ll just show up, ” she laughed.
She also had the wherewithal to know that to grow her business; she had to utilize a shrewd marketing plan. “I’d also find events, at churches, schools boutiques that were having fundraisers for dance studios, sports teams, and I would set up a table at those events put my design cards out and I’d meet women from all walks of life,” she reflected. “I’d meet people that were stay-at-home moms, nurses, real estate agents and more. They all would attend and book events with me, and I just started morphing this clientele into something that took on a life of its own.” Her clientele began to inquire about starting businesses for themselves. However, she realized that she didn’t have a methodology to to train others, so she trained herself in the business. “The person that started me in the business had left for personal reasons” she said. “I didn’t have anyone to show me the ropes so I would pop CD’s in my car while I was driving around town running errands and I would get the knowledge I needed for myself and then train others to do the same. I started getting really good at it.”
Heather saw consistent growth in her business and saw her residual checks grow in leaps and bounds, growing from $50 checks to $1,000, $2000 and more. Her husband, currently her ex, was startled. “The money’s coming in, I’m taking him on all these trips I’m winning, he began to think wow! There is something to this!” she laughed. She soon discovered that she had found her passion. “What I found was one of my biggest joys was training other women to start their business and watching them grow,” she said. “My team began getting bigger and bigger where I would hold monthly meetings with 30-40 reps showing up at these meetings wanting someone to train them.” As her numbers began to grow, Heather garnered attention from the corporate office of her company and was requested to serve as the National Conference speaker for their annual convention one year. “I’m not shy by any means, but getting up in front of 3,000 people, I was a little hesitant,“ she laughed. Subsequently, after huge success at the convention, she was asked to write her own classes to train other sales reps. She won The Legacy Award, was an award-winning Top 10 recruiter for three consecutive years (2008, 2009, 2010) and was featured in “Empowering Women” Magazine. The summer of 2010 was an exciting time for her. But it wasn’t easy and not devoid of its trials. “I was in the middle of my marriage crumbling,” she said. “There was a lot of disheartening things going on during that time. It was a roller coaster ride.”
During that time, she wrote her ground breaking # 1 Best Selling book, “Bookings When You Have No Bookings.” Although her marriage was over, she took classes and training courses to add to her knowledge and compiled much of the information for the book. But the book sat until May 2014. Her mother passed away during the compilation process of the book and she had three teenagers to look after. I pretty much put my head down and concentrated on my business,” she said, perhaps a therapeutic solution to the turmoil of the stresses of her personal life. “I used that as my catalyst to heal myself. I put all my energies into my business to help me forget about all the other things that was going south in my life.”
She dated and met a guy, but when that didn’t work out, she focused on completing the book. “I had to cut that off at the end of May and at that point, I was sitting there thinking ‘what am I going to do with this book,’” she asked herself. “It had been sitting for two years.” The busy multi-faceted lady, who earlier discovered that her passion was training and helping people, took a job at a company called Productive Learning, a professional growth company that utilizes her skill as a mentor for others and finished her book, which recently launched. As a mentor, Heather gets the most satisfaction knowing that she has given others tools for success. “I truly believe that you can take all the action steps in the world, but if your mind isn’t right and your thought process is off, you’re not going to take the action steps needed to be successful,” she explained. “You’ve got to get out of your own way. I get the satisfaction of knowing that I am helping somebody truly get where they want to go. ”
Heather Pich wants you to enjoy success, and her life story epitomizes the nuances of success-minded business professionals. Heather gives you tools and methodology to make your business a success. Visit her website at www.instantlybooked.com to learn more about Heather and to purchase her book, “Bookings When You Have No Bookings.” She also will be featured on an audio book series, that will be featured on Amazon November 1st, “Driving Ambition,” by producer Roy Smoothe of the UK and will be a co-author with Speaker/Author Claudia Cooley’s new book coming out March of 2015. If you want to learn more about the professional growth and personal awareness workshops she promotes, and develop a success-oriented mindset, visit www.productivelearning.com.