Green and Eco Scoop

Green and Eco — By on May 23, 2010 at 7:11 pm

We’ve decided to create a new feature for The Scoop LA, Green And Eco Scoop. We want to explore how green technology will affect the future. We will give you energy tips and news that will keep with President Barack Obama’s promise of a new and brighter vision of a better energy future for our country.

Our first subject will be Yakult- a company dedicated to health and well being.

Brian Gatlin, who received a $1,000 scholarship from Yakult Inc. poses in front of his innovative creation, Yakulture. Photo by Ultimate Image.

Shelly Rolandson is jubilant, receiving a $1,000 scholarship for her Yakult Eco Deco Lamp. Photo by Ultimate Image.

Brian Gatlin, creator of “Yakulture,” is currently a student at The Art Institute of California in Hollywood. His sculpture displays the Yakult logo enclosing the active bacteria found in every bottle, Lactobacillus casei Shirota. The bacteria migrate from the Yakult bottles towards a spherical centerpiece that represents Yakult’s vision of preventive health through a healthy digestive system along with Yakult’s mission of promoting a healthy global environment.

Brian’s experience as a Special Projects Technician for the Savannah College of Art & Design has helped him refine his passion for building and designing objects. He anticipates graduating in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in Set & Exhibit Design. He can be reached at

*Yakult is no ordinary bottle. The distinctive package was created exclusively for Yakult by the famed Japanese designer Isamu Kenmochi, who is most notably known for his contributions to interior design and modern art. The bottle has received several design awards from around the world.

Shelly Rolandson, creator of “Yakult Eco Deco Lamp”, is a graduate prep student at the Los Angeles Institute of Architecture and Design. Her design merges eco-friendly principles with aesthetics and functionality. It consists of approximately 174 recycled Yakult bottles and a manual hand-crank light, which is able to light up for 20 minutes for approximately 30 seconds of cranking.
Yakult Eco Deco Lamp
Originally from the Northwest region, Shelly graduated from North Dakota State University in 2007 with a bachelor’s in Environmental Design. She is currently preparing and actively applying for master’s of Architecture and living in Hollywood, CA.

Shelly Rolandson can be reached at

*Yakult is no ordinary bottle. The distinctive package was created exclusively for Yakult by the famed Japanese designer Isamu Kenmochi, who is most notably known for his contributions to interior design and modern art. The bottle has received several design awards from around the world.

Scoop LA Publisher Buddy Sampson poses with Lauren Weidelman, Corporate Communications Manager, Yakult U.S.A Inc. Photo by Ultimate Image.

Yakult Inc. Sponsors Two Students For The Art Institute

By Buddy Sampson

Yakult, U.S.A. Inc. , a company that promotes its tasty health drink, Yakult, honored two students, Brian Gatlin and Shelly Rolandson for their displays and creations that featured Yakult bottles. The event, held at The Art Institute of California, introduced the students to the media. They received $1,000 scholarships each from the company in support of their promising art and design careers to the Art Institute.

Brian Gatlin, a personable gentleman who has a bright future, took time to explain the concept behind his design Yakulture, pictured above. “The center represents the global environment and a healthy digestive system,” said Gatlin at the event. “The concept took two days and three days to construct everything.” His display was created by using 210 bottles of the popular Yakult bottles.

Yakult, the product, is a probiotic drink that promotes colon health among other benefits. “It’s a healthy product and our company is known as the pioneer of probiotics,” said Lauren Weidelman, Corporate Communications Manager, Yakult U.S.A. Inc. “We have had 70 years of clinical research.” Shelly Rolandson, whose design, the Yakult Eco Deco Lamp, earned praise from the media in attendance, is a heady, but down-to-earth lady. “I have an environmental design degree,” said Rolandson. “So that gave me an understanding of eco design.” The design which also took her three days to complete, was made from 174 bottles.

Yakult, the product, has sold very well in Mexico, Europe and in Asian countries, such as China and Japan. They are making a major push to bring awareness of their fantastic product to the United States.


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