Graduation Time
Commentary — By Buddy Sampson on July 19, 2017 at 8:58 am

Cover photo-Scoop LA Publisher Buddy Sampson(L) and Scoop LA contributor Ross Kolde. Inside photo- Graduation Day, June 6, 2017. One of the happiest days of my life and I give God the glory. Photo by Carol Brenner.
First, I’d like to start off by apologizing. I apologize to readers that have dropped in to visit the site, only to see less updates. I realize that in the age of technology, I needed more skills, to compete in today’s marketplace. I decided to return to school. And on June 6, 2017, I earned my first degree, an Associate of Arts in Communication Studies from Los Angeles Valley College. It was a proud day for me, because although I started college many years ago, I never finished. And I had many people that never thought June 6th would never come- I was told, “A degree won’t help you at your age,” “you’ll never amount to anything,””you are fantasizing,” and my personal favorite, “you’re just an uneducated Black man.” A long time ago, someone said to me that “success is the best revenge.” I’m proud that no one can ever again give me the label of “uneducated Black man.” I have an education and I’m seeking more- more knowledge, more ability to help others, to make more money, and more ability to affect the human condition. My degree, from L.A. Valley College, is a step in the right direction.
I also want to congratulate The Scoop LA contributor Ross Kolde, who also graduated from LA Valley College. He and I both are Phi Theta Kappa alumni, an Honors Society- a proud accomplishment for both of us, as we try to write stories that inspire, encourage and help others to reach pinnacles of success.
I’m now attending the University of California, San Diego. When I entered Valley College, I was homeless, had a tough time finding a job and the future looked bleak. Now I have a degree and I intend to get my Bachelor’s Degree and more.
Black Men Wanted
I wrote a story about the lack of Black men enrolling in college. At Los Angeles Valley College, while I attended, I saw hoards of Russians, Armenians, Latinos, Caucasians and even several Black women registering for school- but very few Black men. Black men, get your degree. And if you need guidance, I’m here to help. I can point you in the right direction if you like. Feel free to call me at (323) 919-2848. I want to see so many Black men registering for school, long lines, LACCD wonders why are there so many Black men registering. Please read this right now and register. And while this is directed to Black men (because of the low enrollment rates of Black men) I encourage everyone to return to school. I sometimes see our communities and I see many homeless Black men. I see Black men, hanging on the corners, getting high, drinking and hustling, doing the best they can with the lack of employment and opportunities. But there is hope. Please read my article. Now is the time to enroll in college. You can learn plumbing, or construction, or math, video game technology, engineering, music, journalism or computer science and prepare for a changing digital world. In California, particularly, if you are a resident of California, you can go to community college for free. Okay, so there’s a health fee of $12 a year. But $12? C’mon. For an education that will sustain a family? It’s a no-brainer. And don’t let anyone tell you that you are too old to get an education. If you are 18, you can go to college. If you are 75, you can go to college. If someone tells you that you are too old to return to school, smile and walk away from them and get your education. It will only help you, not hurt you. If you haven’t finished high school, there are programs at community colleges that will help you get your GED and then transition to college. Take advantage of all the opportunities that are available. As you can plainly see, a lot of people, including many in government have given up on us. Don’t give up. College and a better life are available. Go back to school. And if you need guidance, I’ll be glad to give you all the help I can.
A True First
We do Positive stories on People You Should Know. That is our mantra. But I wrote a story on someone that evidently rubbed someone the wrong way. This person, that has a beef with a story I wrote, wants us to be TMZ and write on the negative things they think this person has done, and then went on an e-mail campaign, sending me e-mail after e-mail. I finally reported them to the police. Look. First, if you want to read gossip or negative news, there are plenty of outlets that will satisfy that urge.
But you won’t find that here.
We won’t be intimidated to remove any story we publish, and all the stories we write are fact-checked. We refuse to write on those salacious stories about personal lives. All of us have things that aren’t perfect about us. But this is a firm message to anyone, particularly this idiot sending us e-mail after e-mail- get yourself some help. You think you’ve intimidated us? No way. I’ve dug in my heels even further and I will NEVER remove the story. You’ve been reported to the police and the next move will be prosecution. Know that we aren’t intimidated by anyone. Stop the craziness now.
Ms. Scoop and More
We have a lovely Ms. Scoop LA, the amazing Dr. Monica Larson. Don’t hurt yourself looking at her photos. The lovely Kim’s, Kim Somers Egelsee and Kim Webster continue to write great stories for us and we have great new contributors that you’ll see soon.

The stunning Kim Somers Egelsee continues to write for us. She is the most positive person I know. Read her article and get inspired to do great things!

Kim Webster does a column, Kim’s Kronicals and she and I are the oldest living members of The Scoop LA. We are from a proud tradition that Jim Shields started in 1967. Kim has been with us since the 1990’s and I’m proud to call her a dear friend.
And if you want to have a profile done on you, or your business, our rates are so cheap, you won’t believe it. Give us a call at (323) 919-2848.
And Finally
As of this writing, Obamacare is still alive. Make your voice known to Congress that the Affordable Care Act is still needed. And I’m asking everyone to reach out to someone and tell them that you love them. We love you here at The Scoop LA. And wish you an amazing rest of the year.
God Bless you!
Buddy Sampson
The Scoop LA.