Gayla Robertson
Ms. Scoop — By Buddy Sampson on May 20, 2010 at 7:04 pm
Gayla Robertson
is a gorgeous young lady that has her head on straight. The 23 year old hopes to be a positive role model for young ladies. Gayla, who recently completed a degree in Marketing and Advertising, loves all kinds of music, including groups like Warren Hill and rock group Paramore. She’s interested in pursuing a modelling career and we hope being a Ms. Scoop gives her a great start. “I want to do a bit of everything before I die,” she says. And with her talent and aptitude for higher education, Gayla, who lists her Mom as her biggest inspiration, has a bright future ahead. Kudos to our new Ms. Scoop! Visit her webpage at

Gayla Robertson

Gayla Robertson

Gayla Robertson
Our next Ms. Scoop? It could be you? E-mail us at
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