Flexin-4-Dollars Benefit for OneMama.org
Community News — By Buddy Sampson on July 2, 2012 at 6:13 am

(L-R) Actress and model Donna Spangler, fitness star Alicia Marie Ballenger, Soroya Crystal Imam and Siobhan Neilland of OneMama.org.
By Buddy Sampson
There are several compassionate people that help in the plight of disadvantaged countries, but not many of those amazing souls dive in the trenches and get involved. Siobhan Neilland, embarking on an incredible journey of the human spirit, is a lady that quietly makes a difference, one person at a time. “Our demographic is the 1.8 billion people who live under a dollar a day,” said Neilland, of OneMama (OneMama.org) an organization dedicated to helping impoverished communities worldwide. Her formidable mission is affecting change for women in Africa, from women that have contracted AIDS, to women that have been mutilated physically and for women that struggle every day to obtain basic food and health care needs. “Many women in countries as Uganda, have babies under harsh conditions with with no medical supplies. We help teach people economic sustainability. I teach them how to make hats, baskets and clothes. One hundred percent of those proceeds go to medical supplies and help us be sustainable, since it’s harder to get donations these days.”
In Beverly Hills, on June 23, 2012 author, actress and model Donna Spangler of Flexin-4-Dollars, had a benefit to raise funds for OneMama. “I’m supporting an amazing woman,” said Spangler of Neilland and her work. “I wanted to be involved with OneMama.org because Siobhan helps women and children in Uganda and empowers them to make a better life for themselves. And not only does she empower them, she actually helps them create a better life-helping the poorest of the poor people with no electricity, no running water and not very much to work with. She helps deliver babies safely into the world in a place where there’s a high AIDS population. I feel it’s my duty to at least give a helping hand.” The event, successfully coordinated by Soroya Crystal Imam, of Encore Exceptional Events, had silent auctions, dancers and performances.
OneMama needs your help and support. Visit www.OneMama.org.