Eugenia Wright-Ms. Kleopatra Girl
Columnists, Eugenia Wright's Column — By Buddy Sampson on March 1, 2011 at 4:21 pm
Eugenia Wright
The fabulous Ms. Eugenia Wright, also known as Ms. Kleopatra Girl, is ailing and will be back to our pages soon, reporting on the clubs and the happenings around Los Angeles. Please keep her in your prayers and know that she is fighting the great fight. We love her very much and know that she is in The Lord’s mighty hands.
Many Blessings,
Buddy Sampson, Publisher, The Scoop LA

Eugenia Wright (L) pictured w Tionne, Luenell, and Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant, has interviewed, represented and partyed with some of the biggest stars in the world. Photo by Vinni Ratcliff.