LAOIC’s Breakfast of Champions
Community News, News — By Buddy Sampson on December 11, 2013 at 5:32 am

Cover Photo- Chris L. Floyd, Executive Director, LAOIC. Photo by Ian Foxx. Inside Photo- Bishop Charles E. Blake, Presiding Bishop, Church of God in Christ.
Los Angeles, California- Thursday, December 5th, 2013 was a special day in Los Angeles history. The Los Angeles Chapter of the OIC, The Los Angeles Opportunities Industrialization Center (LAOIC) celebrated its 10th Anniversary at the California Science Center.
With the backdrop of humankind’s progress, the Space Shuttle Endeavour Pavilion as its location, the event, “The Breakfast of Champions,” started in regal fashion. Its MC was Jesse Lewis IV, star of TV’s “Southland,” who was dressed in full space regalia. The actor kept the event flowing and was very comical and entertaining.
The honorees of the breakfast extravaganza were Bishop Charles E. Blake, Presiding Bishop of Church of God in Christ, who received the Community Champion Award; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, honored for Political Champion and Noel Massie, President, Southern California United Parcel Service (UPS), who received kudos for the Corporate Champion award. Included in the festivities were testimonials from students of LAOIC, who have turned their lives around and a film clip from one of the original Crip gang members, who was addicted to drugs and turned his life around by learning the retail business at LAOIC.
But the true dignitary at the event was Chris L. Floyd, Executive Director, Los Angeles OIC. “Chris Floyd has taken LAOIC and placed it on his shoulder,” said Susan Gillespie, Chairwoman, LAOIC. “He has made it his mission to reach one and tell one.” Indeed, while the event was to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the organization’s Los Angeles Chapter, the primary focus of the ceremonies were to raise funds for disadvantaged students and families that lack computers in today’s advanced technological age.

Pictured at the Breakfast of Champions was Chris L Floyd (L) and Dr. R. Paul Maiden, PhD, Vice-Dean of the School of Social Work at USC. Photo by Ian Foxx.
Floyd discussed the importance of computer literacy. In the modern era, it is difficult to even apply for employment without some knowledge of computers. “Without a computer,” said Floyd, explaining the importance of computers in retail explosions, such as Cyber Monday, “you are even at the mercy of the retail stores.”
The Honorable Diane Watson, United States House of Representatives, accepted the Political Champion award for Mayor Eric Garcetti. “His vision for Los Angeles is widespread,” said Diane Watson. “We’re a huge city and we represent people that were born here and immigrants that choose to come here. He speaks Spanish fluently and has the ability to reach out to various communities.”
Bishop Charles E. Blake, also Bishop of West Los Angeles Church, humbly accepted his award as Community Champion. He has been recognized by President Obama and was on the podium during Obama’s initial inauguration. Blake’s contributions have had a worldwide effect, as he has worked in Africa, and for the homeless in Los Angeles. He has a prison ministry, guiding troubled youth to turn their lives in a positive direction. Bishop Blake later closed the breakfast with a prayer, encouraging people to help each other and better their communities. Indeed, the LAOIC is one of the organizations locally that benefit the community.
The LAOIC can use your help. If you’d like to donate, or donate a used computer to the LAOIC, visit