Djoir performed “Hollywood” at LA Fashion Corner’s Eco-Friendly Fashion Show

Beauty — By on May 25, 2010 at 2:25 pm

Djoir Jordan Photo by Nelson Shen.

“…It took too long gettin’ ready. My hair and makeup is heavy, but it’s okay  ’cause we look hot tonight!…she’s so Hollywood…”- Lyrics from Djoir Jordan’s single, “Hollywood.”

Pop singer, Djoir Jordan was seen at L.A. Fashion Corner’s Eco-Friendly Fashion Show in Los Angeles last Wednesday, to perform her single, “Hollywood”.

After making an appearance on the green carpet, she stopped to talk to The L.A. Makeup Examiner about her current “futuristic” look.

LAME: Who did your makeup and what color lipstick are you wearing?

Djoir: I did my makeup and I am a MAC freak! I don’t remember the name of the lipstick, but I just wanted the brightest pink I could find! Bright or hot pink are pretty much my colors.

LAME: What type of music are you performing tonight here at L.A. Fashion Corner’s Eco-Friendly Fashion Show?

Djoir: I sing a futuristic pop. My music is very mainstream…something you would hear on KIIS FM or AMP Radio.

LAME: When you perform your music, do you keep a specific style of makeup you always wear on stage?

Djoir: Recently in my show, the music has a futuristic kind of feel and I have two backup dancers who I call my sexy space cadets [Djoir laughs]!…As far as my makeup: I do a light eye and a bright, bold lip. Right now my favorite color is hot pink.

Djoir may be performing at a club near you.Visit Djoir’s web site, for tour dates, fun pictures, and more.

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