14 Ways to Flow Through Fear
Columnists, Kim Somers Egelsee — By Kim Somers Egelsee on September 2, 2020 at 3:37 am
Cover photo: Having trouble managing fear in these turbulent times? Read these tips to handle fear. Inside photo- Kim Somers Egelsee.
By Kim Somers Egelsee
There is a lot of chaos and turbulence going on all over the world. Being in fear only adds to the low vibrations. If we can work on shifting our mindset, we can shift our energy and add a positive vibration to the collective consciousness.
The only rational fears are those that truly protect us from danger.
Otherwise the good news is that fear is merely an illusion. Fear is something we invent. The only thing that gives it any power is when we listen to it.
So, since we create fear, that means we can shift it. Fear loses its power over us if we stop listening to it. We can develop a huge foundation of positive power, love, confidence, enthusiasm, fulfillment, gratitude, wisdom, knowledge and more and flow through this emotion of fear.
Here are 14 ways to flow through fear:
1. Be true to yourself. Say no more. Only do the things and see the people that are 100% on your list. This adds joy, direction and focus, and because you are passionate and excited by all you’re doing and who you’re with, it’s very difficult for real fear to enter.
2. Know truly what you want in life, why you want it, who will help you, and what it will look and feel like when you get it. Knowing this for each goal, will fuel you and make you stronger than any fears that come up. Find out what’s been blocking you; doubts and objections that pop up, and create solutions for those. Think outside the box. What are 5 different ways I can make this happen?
3. Turn fear into childlike curiosity, fun and wonder. A lot of it is not knowing, so imagine the best, as a child would do. Make a vision board for added emphasis and place it where you can see it each day.
4. Immerse yourself into positive, energized focus with each task, goal and activity. Be so into it…so in the now you don’t have time for fear. We as humans experience this when doing things we love. A way to practice is to walk in nature and ask yourself; what are 3 things I see, 3 things I hear, 3 things I touch, 3 things I smell?
5. Be immersed and absorbed in what you do; in the flow. Breathe. Focus on love. Think of 5 things you love throughout the day. It is impossible to be in fear, while focusing on love.
6. Have awareness of what you’re afraid of. Where is it coming from? Next, shift it to the positive opposite. For example…if you are scared of what clients are thinking, you’re mixing worry with pessimism. Instead shift it into optimism, faith and confidence. Even if your mind argues with you, as long as you believe it even a little, it will create a shift.
7. Get feedback throughout. Ask for feedback from those you trust on how you’re doing and how you can be better. Get ideas from others on your gifts, talents and ways to succeed or overcome adversity.
8. Be persistent; it pays. Have a knowing that it will work out as its meant to. Let go more.
9. Have low self- centeredness; instead practice connection and collaboration, love, kindness and giving.
10. Visualize your outcome. See, feel, hear and experience it. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s imagined and real, so imagine the best. This is why athletes do this.
11. Follow your heart, inner scale and intuition. Get grounded. Go out onto the grass with bare feet and imagine roots from your feet going deep into the earth. At the same time imagine your crown chakra (the top of your head) is connected to divine, and breathe. This will activate your intuition, center you and decrease fear and stress.
12. Expand your horizons, push yourself to go bold; train your mind that you are courageous.
13. Think of ways you conquered fears in the past. Think of one now…how did you feel? Remember past memories of you- be bold, brave and fearless.
14. Name each situation you are afraid of. Now re-frame it into a positive sentence. For example, I am scared of losing money. Instead you can state it as ; This situation is making me bold and brave, and thinking outside of the box for ideas and will serve me later with extra wisdom and strength. I am abundant and creative. Next imagine white light all around and within you pushing out any fear or darkness. Do this throughout the day.
I hope you can take these tips and create a transformation in your mind, heart and soul that will not only affect you positively, but those around you. Sending you all peace, love, health and prosperity.
Happy Spring! In this challenging time, we all need to be uplifted and inspired and shift into higher consciousness. My podcast with Eden Sustin called Talk Purpose and Truth is a powerful way to grow, heal, awaken and evolve.
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Kim Somers Egelsee is a top-selling author, life coach and inspirational speaker. Also, check out her article, “Triumph and Rise,” also in The Scoop LA. She also has a terrific podcast. For more information, see above and visit her website at kimlifecoach.com.