17th PAN AFRICAN Film & Arts Festival Night of Tribute
Kim's Kronicles — By Kim Webster on May 23, 2010 at 2:45 pm
Opening night of the Pan African Film Festival (PAFF) was held at The Director’s Guild of America. Blair Underwood hosted two evening events including the screening of Jerusalema , a film from South Africa directed by Ralph Ziman, and the Night of Tribute. Marla Gibbs was honored with the 2009 PAFF Lifetime Achievement Award. Ms. Gibbs is best known for her roles as Florence Johnston on The Jeffersons and as Mary Jenkins on “227.” She has appeared in several movies including Meteor Man, numerous television series, and has done voice over in the animated series Happily Ever After; Fairy Tales for Every Child. As an entrepreneur she owned Marla’s Memory Lane Jazz & Super Club and the Vision Theatre.
California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass was honored with the PAFF Community Service Award for her support of PAFF. Omar Benson Miller received the prestigious PAFF Canada Lee Award.
The Culver Plaza Theatre, located at 9919 Washington Blvd in Culver City, is the new location for viewing the films. Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza will host the arts portion of the festival. Enjoy the festival now thru February 16. For more info, please go to www.PAFF.org or call 323-295-1706.
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